Sounds like you've basically got yourself covered. Beyond that, I'd recommend just trying to make sure your current methods are sustainable (IE, you won't have to switch back in a year) and trying to find ways to help others.
Some other ways the can help reduce US influence off the top of my head, ordered roughly from least to most difficult:
- Do your research and vote
- Use networked platforms (like the Fediverse) more, to help them compete with big american tech
- Promote Canadian or non-US alternatives
- put together detailed resources to help others boycott US products (IE, blog posts about how you addressed specific issues or infographics explaining the alternatives to common american products.)
- Join local groups to become more connected with your community
- Volunteering
- Becoming involved in politics, be it helping campaign for important causes or running yourself.
Yes, a lot of these aren't directly targeting the US, but the stronger Canada is, the less power the US has over us.