I don't wanna get in but once I'm in I don't wanna get out
A casual community for people with ADHD
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Hits right at home
Same. Sometimes I need to force myself to get in. Within secs, I wonder why I had to override my resistance, and if I will do it again tomorrow. I will do it again tomorrow.
I don't get why the ADHD part of my brain doesn't learn that shower=good. Perhaps it's because I envision standing in the shower as staring at a wall.
Yup. This.
I’ve been doing this as long as I can remember.
Hell yes it’s a sensory thing. The warm water and the water hitting my body. The white noise. Also, not wearing clothing. It’s all mesmerizing.
Bathrooms are practically stimulation-less spaces.
Disagree. The water is perfect stimulation. The way it touches your skin, the temperature control, the rain sound, the blocking of all else. A shower is stimulatory contentment.
Ever try showering in complete darkness?
With music? 🤤
A shower has been part of my morning routine for years. It's more about clearing my head and waking up than it is cleaning myself.
God yes, I love warm water so much
Frequently. Sometimes the only thing that snaps me back into reality is the hot water running out.
That's me. Hot water running out means the shower is over. :(
God help me if I ever get one of those instant hot water heaters. They'll be putting my face on milk cartons.
this isn't solely a ADHD thing
lol OP doesn't mention showering too much tho
That's literally what this post is about bestie.
It's about the frequency/intensity of the experience. Why do you take the image at face value instead of using critical thinking? You're just a troll arguing in bad faith.
I am not arguing in bad faith, hell... I didn't even think I was arguing. and yes, I get stuck in the shower too.
and I'm not the one accusing anyone of anything.
I'm just saying, it happens.
good grief.
I shower too little but too long
Try not to sit in the shower, if you do it won't be possible to leave.
You'll be forced to when you run out of hot water. Source: me, all the time.
Tankless heater; this will never happen.
I will personally melt the remainder of Antarctica if I ever get one.
You mean my thinking cube?
I do my best thinking in the shower... I have amazing realisations and form incredible connections between relevant life dots...
I just have trouble remembering the outcomes of this thinking once I get out.....
I have a built in timer that is my water heater running out of hot water, otherwise I would spend much longer in there.
Similar, but not the same. The routine of it all produces a lot of internal friction. I do get lost in my thoughts, but it's deep rumination. No dopamine, just anger and hopelessness. I will dissociate before a shower because I know what's coming. Just standing there staring, knowing I need to physically move and not doing so. Then when the water's off it's more standing there not moving. More dreaded routine incoming. Then when I'm out and the post-shower stuff is taken care of, it's sitting on the bed, staring at the floor or the wall or my phone. Sometimes it takes 3-4 hours start to finish.
It doesn't help that the shower is in disrepair and I can't afford to fix it properly (too much spent on larger house problems that took precedence). But that won't be a problem soon since I also can't afford mortgage payments.
I'm coming up on a year of group therapy multiple times a week to go along with individual therapy. I've learned a lot, both about myself and mental health in general, and it's kept me sane-ish. But I won't have to worry about that soon either as it's only a matter of time before the orange shitgibbon's goons take a torch to Medicaid.
On the plus side, I managed to get a second denial from SSDI before the brownshirts get their crowbars into that too. I'm not disabled, they say. I'm just a simpleton that can perform simple tasks and follow simple instructions. A simpleton in the 97th percentile for IQ. Thanks, I guess.
But yeah, the shower is basically a soggy Tardis.
oh man. you should try baths.
B..but how do I know when it's time to finish?
thats what makes it so great. do get out before you pass out though.
Baths are the best. I've taken one almost every night for many years, and bath snacks are a good combination.
Im not so sure I would want to do it every day but I do it twice a week and always look forward to it. If I ever can retire I hope to do every three days but that is hard to schedule.
Jupp. When I was a child my parents always scolded me for showering so long.
I was building momentum for the day.
It gets expensive in some places
Long showers are the best part of the day.
For me it's the sensory of the hot water, breathing in the steam, and having a place to be alone. My life is wall-to-wall tasking these days...being a parent with ADHD who has a toddler and a type-A personality partner who loves to delegate tasks is existentially exhausting.