Super Mario Bros 2, NES
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The Legend of Zelda - NES
IK+ (International Karate plus), Amiga, 1987
Super Mario Bros. - NES
Baldur's Gate, both 1 & 2 on PC (I prefer #1). I had to actively consider whether it had been at least 25 years it came out and...I feel super old now 😅.
I'm curious, why do you prefer the first one over the second? Baldur's Gate didn't focus on NPC characterization until 2 (I can't imagine playing without the banter!), and I always found low level 2e to be a nightmare due to low health pools and lack of class features. The sequel starts you out at the beginning of the level range where you can actually do stuff without being overpowered.
Fallout 2
Elite - BBC Micro Model B originally.
Commander Keen (series), PC
Super Mario Bros. 3 - NES
Final fantasy 8, it is the best, no sarcasm.
I would give a testicle for a proper remake, expand the Laguna story, a more populated world, even more battshitery
Final Fantasy 4, SNES.
(Still one of the best games I've ever played.)
Total Annihilation
Star Flight, 1986(?). Huge universe, multiple alien races, reputational, on two 360k floppy disks, and a great story too.
Might and Magic III
B-17 (intellivision)
Gauntlet (arcade 4 person game)
Wonder Boy: Monster Land, Arcade, 1987
Conkers Bad Fur Day N64
Banjo-Kazooie - N64
Carmageddon 2 - PC
Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar (C64)
Space Quest (especially 4 and 5), PC
Syndicate PC/Mac
Puyo Puyo - lots of ports
Reskinned as:
- Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine - Mega drive, Master System, Game Gear
- Kirby's Avalanche - SNES