A forum to discuss and share content related to the Harry/Ginny couple in Harry Potter series!
Discord: https://discord.gg/ufeN2aK
Community Rules:
- All posts must be related to the Harry/Ginny “~ pairing!
All posts must be specifically related to the Harry/Ginny pairing. There are other Communities for Harry Potter, so we like to keep this area tailored to our interests :D
- No doxxing/sharing information ~~
This is a site-wide rule, but here is a re-iteration of Lemmy's doxxing policy. Please note that this rule applies regardless of who is sharing the information, even if OP shares it about themselves.
- No hate speech
All racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, or transphobic comments/posts will be deleted and offenders will be banned at mod discretion.
- No personal attacks
No personal attacks or insults. Intentional incitement of arguments, personal attacks, and threats will not be tolerated.
- No trolling
Anyone reported as a troll will be removed by the mods. Repeat offenders will be banned at mod discretion. If you are aware of a specific community that is linking our community/mocking our content, please message mods to let us know.
- No ship-bashing
We know that this sub is focused on Harry/Ginny, but please try to maintain a civil/polite tone when discussing other ships as well. There is a difference between a civil discussion on why another pairing might not work and a personal attack against all who support it. We do not tolerate the latter.
- No request bashing
No Request thread bashing. Do not utilize a request thread to make negative commentary on the subject or linked fics.
- No debates over character representation
No debate over a character representation being “inaccurate” for not being white/ cishet. No one is asking you to change your conception of a character, but due to an overwhelming number of blatantly racist comments, we cannot allow that discussion here.
- No uncredited art
All fan art MUST be properly credited to the artist, including a link to a platform where they posted the art themselves.
- No entitlement over fanworks™
We respect fanworks and authors in this Community.
The general population is entitled to absolutely nothingincluding endings of stories.
Threats of “finishing a story yourself” or “getting Al to write to ending” will result in an immediate ban if this has not been agreed upon with the author first.