this post was submitted on 28 Jan 2025
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A forum to discuss and share content related to the Harry/Ginny couple in Harry Potter series!


          Community Rules: 

  1. All posts must be related to the Harry/Ginny “~ pairing!

All posts must be specifically related to the Harry/Ginny pairing. There are other Communities for Harry Potter, so we like to keep this area tailored to our interests :D

  1. No doxxing/sharing information ~~

This is a site-wide rule, but here is a re-iteration of Lemmy's doxxing policy. Please note that this rule applies regardless of who is sharing the information, even if OP shares it about themselves.

  1. No hate speech

All racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, or transphobic comments/posts will be deleted and offenders will be banned at mod discretion.

  1. No personal attacks

No personal attacks or insults. Intentional incitement of arguments, personal attacks, and threats will not be tolerated.

  1. No trolling

Anyone reported as a troll will be removed by the mods. Repeat offenders will be banned at mod discretion. If you are aware of a specific community that is linking our community/mocking our content, please message mods to let us know.

  1. No ship-bashing

We know that this sub is focused on Harry/Ginny, but please try to maintain a civil/polite tone when discussing other ships as well. There is a difference between a civil discussion on why another pairing might not work and a personal attack against all who support it. We do not tolerate the latter.

  1. No request bashing

No Request thread bashing. Do not utilize a request thread to make negative commentary on the subject or linked fics.

  1. No debates over character representation

No debate over a character representation being “inaccurate” for not being white/ cishet. No one is asking you to change your conception of a character, but due to an overwhelming number of blatantly racist comments, we cannot allow that discussion here.

  1. No uncredited art

All fan art MUST be properly credited to the artist, including a link to a platform where they posted the art themselves.

  1. No entitlement over fanworks™

We respect fanworks and authors in this Community.

The general population is entitled to absolutely nothingincluding endings of stories.

Threats of “finishing a story yourself” or “getting Al to write to ending” will result in an immediate ban if this has not been agreed upon with the author first.

founded 3 weeks ago

I don't have much to go off of other than Ginny plays professional quidditch, and I think Harry is an auror, but I'm not sure.

As far as I can remember, they never dated before, and the only specific things I really remember are that when she introduces him to her teammates, she follows it up by saying he's off limits, which both Fred and George give her a pointed look for.

I think there's another scene at a fancy ball or something and she says to him 'you're the most powerful wizard in the world but you're scared of a little dancing'.

I know it's not much to go off of, but if anyone has anything that even somewhat resembles this, I'd really appreciate it.

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there doesn't seem to be anything here