this post was submitted on 10 Sep 2023
7 points (100.0% liked)

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[–] 2 points 1 year ago

The style is a bit more shoujo, but I can see the resemblance - especially with the artist's intent in mind. Anime designs can be difficult to adapt, as the style is usually a pretty minimalistic distillation of features, especially in the face. Looking at the original design, the most distinct features seem to be Geto's narrow eyes, bunned-hairstyle + bang, and the stitched scar on his forehead.

The eyes, lips, and nose have been drawn to be fuller to match the intended happier shoujo style, and the hairstyle is pretty spot on. I can also understand why the forehead scar may have been omitted, as this is supposed to be a happier alternate-universe version of Geto. That's not to say that I disagree with the other commenters that have said that the likeness isn't "accurate" - but I think I'd rather give the artist the benefit of the doubt and disagree with the implication that the deviation in likeness is mostly an unintentional one.

I would personally prefer that this community welcome a broad range of skill levels and techniques, and I fear that harsh or blunt critique without constructive criticism would only discourage people from sharing their art due to being made to feel inferior. There are plenty of other communities that are geared towards high-quality, high-effort intermediate-to-professional-grade art, but I feel like this is the only community (that I've found, at least) that seems to be open to everyone to share, and I'd like to preserve that.

It'd be nice to have some sort of way to indicate that one is open to or looking for constructive criticism, (maybe a tag you can attach to your post?) but that might also just be unnecessary and unrealistic to implement and moderate. That said, I'd be interested in hearing others' point of view about stuff like this. It'd be nice to know whether others agree or disagree, and why.