Gender-affirming care clinic burned down in horrific arson: “This is terrorism”
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This is genocide. It will not stop until we are exterminated and driven to extinction, or ~~Christianity~~ Christian ideology ~~is destroyed and left with a reputation every bit as terrible as that of Nazi ideology~~ dies out and is recorded accurately in the history books as the atrocity it is.
[Reworded for clarity.]
I'm attacking the ideology and stating that it needs to be removed from our system, and power seized from those that support it. NOT that Christians need to be forcefully removed from society. They say we have no right to exist, and attempt to purge us by force and genocide. We must fight by peacefully but forcefully exposing their ideology for what it is until it is history.
American Christianity is antithetical to trans rights.
Trans rights are human rights.
Pretty easy to see who needs to be regulated.