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Good thing the communism understander from .world is here to explain Marxism to us.
This user has justified the Imperialism practiced by the Nordic Countries by claiming it is the fault of those Imperialized for not effectively standing against it, claimed DEI is bad and used by foreign nations to threaten stability, and said people opposed to the Nordic Model are racist against the Nordic people. This isn't someone with a consistent viewpoint, just a consistent defense of Capitalism and Imperialism.
"The whole DEI stuff seems a bit like a Trojan horse to sneak in Marxist propaganda. Forcing people to accept immigrants with different cultural pov in a democracy is dangerous because you can end up relinquishing your country to another country’s agenda."
Anti-communism, anti-immigration, pro-Imperialism, pro-Capitalism, chauvanistic views... where have I seen this before? 🤔
None of those words are the insults you think they are, but I think I should say something because I am sick of people being cowed by asshole assumptions behind words like these. I think many people are too firmly in ideological camps to understand what makes sense in different situations, and what may look like one thing may not necessarily be it. Regardless,
Anti-immigration doesn’t mean you don’t want any immigrants or immigrants of a certain type only. Second, if you’re anti-illegal immigration doesn’t mean you’re anti-immigration. Third, all countries are free to set their immigration policies, why does anyone believe they have the right to be anywhere? I am not even anti-immigration, btw. That’s besides the point if I am making a devils advocate comment.
There’s no such thing as imperialism in the modern world. The fact that some countries insist on blaming their shortcomings on imperialism is a distraction tactic so their citizens don’t turn on their failing or corrupt governments. I feel bad for the people of those countries.
I simply hate that someone takes a historically failure idea like Marxism and creates a narrative around it which sets that ideology as morally or ethically superior. It’s just part of the narrative to make western country citizens hate their own countries so that they dismantle their democracies. Which is the sum total of what we’re seeing everywhere now.
There are too many complexities to these issues so I understand why people choose to engage in hivemind like behavior online. I am not even that much pro-capitalism, and I am definitely not against diversity or inclusion. Saying you don’t trust DEI as a concept (because we already have anti-discrimination laws here) or the people implementing DEI doesn’t mean you’re against diversity or inclusion.
God damn, you really don’t know shit about fuck.