Let's start with my mistakes:
- I haven't followed LKML.
- I assumed: Every ThinkPad has - overall - perfect Linux support, so this will as well.
- I did look up support when purchasing but I was still not verifying on the LKML.
- Edit: I trusted Qualcomm's marketing
So, I wanted a ARM-Linux laptop so bad.
I heared about the Lenovo ThinkPad X13s in 2023 and I looked at marketing promises and (rare!) takes on it.
Then there was the opportunity to buy this laptop fir a good price with the entire stats I would require for my next 10+ years. So I bought it.
In order to bake Linux on it I had to read up upon many things - I run it daily but have to accept some downsizes.
Anyhow, I thought this title would be interessting regarding Lenovo's and Qualcomm's "success" on ARM so that others may be aware that I am looking daily for the LKML and my model SC8280XP.
There is ONE SINGLE CONTRIBUTOR (there were two; The other joined Lenovo) allowed to have "elected and requested" documents in order to aid support. Despite their intentions (QUALCOMM) to support Linux.
And I furthermore assume it hasn't have changed with the new Snapdragon X processors.
So, thanks to John Hovold and Linaro for doing an awesome job. I wish I could support you.
I am just sharing for the community. And I want some nerdish engagement tbqh.
It was the manufacture price when I purchased it.
It does but there are a few important things lacking. Also it isn't stable without reading up on LKMS upfront and knowing what to do. Not all distros are capable of booting it yet (e.g. void).
I poured ~$1200 to Qualcomm/Lenovo and they are employing one worker from one sub company. Interpret it on your own.
RTFM. // Edit: I missspelled. LKML. I edited my post. Appreciated.
I am open for sharing my insights, though : )
I'm even more confused now. Did you pay 1200$ or 2400$, and if the second why would you for a laptop with these specs?
The listing price was $2700 on purchase. I bought it for around $1800. The $650 dollar are from the Lenovo outlet store. I could sell this laptop for less then $500 on ebay.
How much time has passed? This is perfectly normal depreciation for a computer over 2-3 years.
Indeed it is. Though I just started to leverage its capabilities.
Nonetheless, I would again buy into aarch64.