Common Sense

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Some Common Sense Ideas

founded 1 year ago

Statistically poverty, substance abuse, and dysfunctional families often correlate. Domestic abuse is in the mix too. No one can isolate one single cause, because the world doesn’t work in the oversimplified way we’d like it to.

Imagine you’re a girl in a poor abusive household. There’s really not much you can do but pray for a better future. Then you hit puberty, and you become sexually attractive to the men in town. This may be the first power you have ever had.

Some peeps are endowed with the power to physically or psychologically dominate their peers with implied threats of violence. Others are gifted with natural leadership abilities. But not all. Then there’s a group that is simply pretty and sexy.

If you are this poor young woman from an abusive family, and by chance, nature gives you a sexy body that men like, why wouldn’t you start flirting with a man who treats you nicely and makes you feel loved? And wouldn’t it be even better if the man had a job and a car?

Your way to get away from your hellish home on a Saturday night may literally be the vehicle owned by your new boyfriend, but your ticket to a better life could definitely seem like a serious relationship with a somewhat older man.

Young adults (aka teens) from poor families tend to have more unplanned pregnancies than their peers from rich families. There are many possible reasons for that. Better access to contraception being the most obvious one.

Young adults (aka teens) from rich families also have much better access to options for terminating an unplanned pregnancy than their poor counterparts. So statistically teenage mothers tend to be much less wealthy than older first time mothers.

There was a famous study done by Darroch in the 90s. (see below) It shows a lot of what I have outlined here. When California Gov Gray Davis saw the study, however, he ignored all the relevant data, and decided that the CAUSE of all these problems was statutory rape.

His plan was to get the cops & prosecutors to put more of the boyfriends with jobs & cars in prison as a way to solve the teen pregnancy problem. This was, of course, illogical to the point of batshit crazy. Smart people at the time pointed that out.

So people in the 90s screwed up. Big deal. Who cares?

The main issue here, is that Gov Davis’s batshit stupid thinking went mainstream, and dominates our discourse to this day. Big TV personalities like Oprah picked it up and spread it generously.

The goofy myth based on contorted logic took on a life of its own. The general public, who never spend a lot of time digging into the research or thinking things thru, started to believe that the causation runs opposite to the reality.

That is to say, people now believe that teenage women dating men 10 years older than them causes them to be poor and show the symptoms of an abuse victim.

The obvious reality is that poverty and dysfunction is what led them to choose that partner in the first place.

Criminalizing a young woman’s choice of boyfriend isn’t the way to make her life happy and healthy. Incarcerating the father of a young woman’s baby is one of the worst things you can do to her and her infant. We need to bring a little common sense back to this discussion.


The change we're seeing is natural and caused by abundance and choice.

If you're a hunter-gatherer in a world of scarcity one fruit tree regardless of how good or bad it is, will get a lot of your attention. The next tree may be several hours walk away.

That same hunter-gatherer in a world of abundance will be surrounded by trees and probably only spend a few minutes on each one 'till he finds one he's in the mood for.

That's what happened with information over the last 50 years.


Our brains and bodies never stop changing. There is no point of “finish developing”. and even if there was that wouldn't prove people before that point are stupid. The whole idea is garbage that bigots use to justify hating on specific demographic.

and “lacking any real life experience”? well, sure, because we barred them from entering adult society. They have been legally and socially prevented from gaining any of that experience. That’s not a problem with them, that’s a direct result of us treating them like shit, and creating a problem that need not exist.


Experience is important. That's why my society has to reverse course 180° - We currently segregate all under 18s from normal society preventing them from gaining any of the necessary experience. It's as if we have designed a system specifically to produce extremely immature and incompetent 19 year olds.


The Neo-Puritans have so successfully pushed a wave of sex-negative attitudes that young people are no longer having sex and it's depressing the hell out of them. .


A radical change in the way we see ourselves, our bodies, and sexuality, and normal human interactions, coincides with the meteoric rise of the word "sexualize" .


Bullying is natural, which is all the more reason we have to fight it.

When you think someone is creepy.... ask yourself... (24 min)


People with zero experience in the field will start in an entry level position. That has nothing to do with age. It is true if you are 36, 16, or 56.

The simple fact is that 16 year olds are not children. They have nothing in common with 6 year olds, but almost everything in common with 26 year olds.


Nazi scientists used to poke around people’s brains looking for ways to claim that dark-skinned people are inferior and justify treating them like dirt.

Today our scientists are poking around people’s brains looking for ways to claim that teenagers are inferior and justify treating them like dirt.


If power imbalances cause rape, then one of those two was raping the other, right?

They can’t consent because of the power dynamics.

One of them must be abusing their power.


is it Millionaire vs Dumb Blonde?

or Decrepit Old Fool vs Hot Sexy Vixen?


We see teens employed at the exact same jobs as other adults, doing the exact same work for the exact same pay, and paying the exact same taxes, driving the same cars on the same roads.

16 year olds have beards, and breasts, they are 100% completely adult in every way.


Gens Y and Z are against kink-shaming and very accepting of all sorts of weird perversions.

At the same time they are extremely sex-negative. They consider any hint of "power dynamics" an act of violence. They think age-gaps are terrible and traumatizing too (despite giant piles of evidence to the contrary).


In the 1980s the paradigm was different.

Teenager and Young Adult were synonyms at that time.

Feminists got pissed off if you called any post-pubescent female a "girl"

They said calling teens children is egregious infantilization.

They were right.


There is not a shred of scientific evidence for the existence of ephebophilia, but everyone acts like it's real.


Creativity is about new ideas. Being conservative is opposing new ideas. Any creative field will be dominated by non-conservative people. That's why lefties wield power in Hollywood. They must have creative free-thinkers or the art promptly dies.


Just like the human body the human brain changes quickly during puberty then slowly for the rest of your life. There is no magical point of "fully matured". That's a garbage paradigm.

Looking for it creates lots of dumb clickbait that people love to parrot tho'


Do people really believe that 20 year olds are children and no one ever in the entire history of the world noticed this? and the only people who ever got it right are in the USA in the last 20 years?

That is just astoundingly ridiculous.


A: I don't think 15-year-olds should be having sex.

B: The law doesn't say who should or shouldn't have sex. It says who gets incarcerated for having sex. So the question isn't who should have sex. The question is who should be imprisoned for having sex.